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Annual Report / CEO Letter

Annual Report 2022-2023: CEO Letter

CEO Patricia E. Harris

Patricia E. Harris

“We look for unmet needs where others haven’t stepped in, and where we can make a difference.”

I recently had a meeting that took me back to the beginning of one of our longest-running and most successful initiatives, and it left me feeling incredibly inspired about the future.

Back in 2011, U.S. coal production was hovering around its all-time peak. Opposition to coal was a third rail across the political spectrum, but the science was growing increasingly clear: Burning coal was the greatest obstacle to progress in the climate fight, both in the United States and globally, and it was a deadly threat to public health.

Here in the United States, a cap-and-trade bill had recently failed to pass Congress, leaving the prospects of any action on climate in doubt. So, when we learned that the Sierra Club was making progress on an effort called Beyond Coal, which aimed to stop the construction of new U.S. coal-fired plants, we knew we had to act. Together with the Sierra Club, we built a groundbreaking national campaign that involved the first comprehensive effort to map and gather data on every coal plant across the country, along with critical information on their economic performance and pollution levels, allowing us to develop a powerful plant-by-plant strategy. And we set a concrete goal: closing one-third of the country’s existing coal plants by 2020.

In the years that followed, we won fight after fight, quickly beating our original goal. We also ran into new challenges: The construction of new gas-fired power plants began to undercut our progress, and the development of clean energy lagged far behind. In response, we expanded our ambitions by launching the Beyond Carbon campaign in 2019 to build on our coal efforts, block planned gas plants, and support clean energy policies at the state level. We also funded workforce development programs in regions long dependent on fossil fuels.

In April 2023, we convened our partners in this work at Bloomberg Philanthropies for the first time since before the pandemic. It was a chance for Mike and me to sit down with the leaders we’ve collaborated with from the very start, and review just how far we’ve come.

We’ve now helped retire more than 70% of all U.S. coal plants, and we’re aiming to close the remaining 30% by the end of the decade. That success led us to expand our work globally, first to Europe in 2017 and now across 32 additional countries, including 25 developing countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Meanwhile, Beyond Carbon has helped block nearly one-third of all planned U.S. gas capacity and ensured that 20 states and territories now have 100% clean energy laws in place.

Global Reach

In 2022, Bloomberg Philanthropies invested in 700 cities and 150 countries around the world.

Learn more about our Global Reach.

Global Map

At our meeting, we also discussed new challenges and opportunities — and how to finish the job we started. It was an affirmation of how much is possible with the right team and the right strategy. And it made me think about how, in many ways, this program has epitomized the approach we bring to all of our work. Across each of our program areas:

We look for unmet needs where others haven’t stepped in, and where we can make a difference. For instance, in Bangladesh, where drowning is the leading cause of death for children under five, we launched a drowning prevention program that the government has now taken over and committed to scaling to 200,000 kids every year. To share another example, we expanded our work to help more arts organizations in the United States and United Kingdom use digital technology to build their audiences, grow revenue and fundraising, and deliver programming. And globally, we quickly grew the reach of our free Bloomberg Connects app, bringing dozens of new cultural partners onto the app to share their content with audiences.

We lead from the front, no matter how strong the opposition, and we don’t hesitate to tackle controversial issues. In the United States, through Everytown for Gun Safety, for example, we helped pass the first federal gun safety legislation in a generation, following a series of devastating acts of gun violence. When the U.S. Supreme Court stripped federal protections for abortion rights, we stepped up our work with key partners to defend and expand protections at the state level. And our national charter school initiative is in the midst of creating 150,000 new classroom seats.

We identify and engage with strong partners who can work closely with our team to drive progress. This year we made another major investment in our longstanding tobacco control program, which works with the World Health Organization and a wide array of other partners in more than 110 countries, including Mexico, where our partners helped pass a landmark smoke-free law after nearly a decade of advocacy.

We invest in data-driven tools that allow us to target our resources effectively and hold ourselves accountable for results. In September, we launched an online database that shares key data on U.S. racial wealth disparities to help decision-makers drive policies and programs to respond.

We remain flexible to invest boldly and maximize our impact, branching out in new directions as conditions change. After the United States passed major legislation with historic funding for cities, we created an effort with our partners to help mayors and their teams navigate the programs and submit strong applications. As part of our efforts to protect the ocean, we quickly committed support during the Our Ocean Conference in Panama to help developing nations adopt a new global treaty to protect 30% of international waters by 2030. And in New York City, in the span of a few months, we created a summer learning program for K-8 charter school students, after data revealed the crisis in learning loss brought on by the pandemic. The program’s success led us to expand it to seven new cities this summer.

We use advocacy and lobbying to back critical state policies and laws. Our advocacy efforts secured a major victory in the U.S. fight against growing teen e-cigarette use, after we defended California’s ban on flavored tobacco products from a ballot referendum backed by the tobacco industry. Nationwide, we’ve now helped pass nearly 80 state and local flavor bans.

And we focus on cities, as Mike discusses in his letter — and as you’ll read about throughout this report. For instance, our pro bono Bloomberg Associates team added two new client cities over the past year, Tampa and Phoenix, and led a wide range of projects to improve residents’ lives. And we joined with partners in Israel and South Africa to expand the reach of our leadership training work for mayors and their senior staff, building on our successful Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative.

The approach we bring to these efforts, and many more, goes back to the beginning, even earlier than the beginning of our coal work in 2011. It comes out of Mike’s experiences in business, government, and philanthropy, and it helps us make an impact that spans the globe. Our work is also driven by our longest and strongest partnership of all: with Bloomberg L.P. The vast majority of the company’s profits go to Bloomberg Philanthropies, which fuels all the work we’ve done to ensure better, longer lives for the greatest number of people — and all the work ahead.


Patti Harris signature

Patricia E. Harris
Chief Executive Officer
Bloomberg Philanthropies

Connect with Patti Harris on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Annual Report 2021: CEO Letter

Patricia E. Harris

“By collecting and studying data, we are discovering the most effective strategies and working to spread them. As we often say, ‘If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.‘ Data remains at the heart of so much of our work, and we follow it wherever it leads.”

Annual Report / CEO Letter

As the UN’s COP26 approached in the fall, the first major climate summit since the 2015 Paris Agreement, we saw a unique opportunity to elevate our partners and their work.

Media attention focused on what new commitments national governments might make, and while that was certainly important, commitments are only as good as the actions taken to support them. Developing, adopting, and implementing national policies take time, which we don’t have a lot of, as well as political capital, and even the most deliberate efforts don’t always become law. The leaders we’ve long supported – like mayors, scientists, activists, business and philanthropic leaders, and local advocates – can act much faster. And so in the two months leading up to the summit, we decided to pull them all together in a push to build momentum, by taking 60 actions in 60 days.

For example: With partners like C40 Cities and the Global Covenant of Mayors, we rallied more than 1,000 cities to pledge to reach net zero emissions by 2030, decades earlier than many national governments have committed to doing. We worked with the mayors of London and Brussels to roll out localized air quality sensors and better manage the threat of toxic air pollution. And we collaborated with our colleagues at Bloomberg L.P., who are leading vitally important work to analyze the economic impacts of climate change and give companies and investors the data they need.

The response from our partners was overwhelmingly positive, and in just 60 days we took 85 concrete and meaningful actions to advance the climate fight. It was a testament to the power of strong partnerships, which lie at the heart of our approach to philanthropy. Working for Mike Bloomberg, whether in the public, private, or nonprofit sector, has always meant building partnerships that have the potential to make the greatest difference in people’s lives – an idea that informs everything we do at Bloomberg Philanthropies.

Over the past year, as COVID-19 continued turning the world upside down, we focused on strengthening and deepening our partnerships in ways that would allow us to respond to urgent needs quickly and decisively. The pandemic pushed those needs to new heights across all of our program areas, especially since much of our work focuses on the places it hit hardest: cities.

Global Reach

In 2021, Bloomberg Philanthropies invested in 941 cities and 173 countries around the world.

Annual Report Global Reach map

In working closely with U.S. mayors and local leaders, we realized they were having trouble navigating the complex process to access new funding available to them through the American Rescue Plan. To help, we teamed up with the U.S. Conference of Mayors to launch a COVID-19 Federal Assistance e311 program that provides cities with guidance and answers, including online resources and in-depth workshops led by emergency management experts. The program is now helping city leaders develop their pandemic recovery efforts and address other long-term challenges.

Given the global nature of the pandemic, we launched our first-ever Global Mayors Challenge, which built on previous competitions we had run in the United States, Europe, and Latin America and the Caribbean. Out of more than 600 city applications that proposed innovative solutions to their most pressing issues, we provided 50 finalists with extensive technical assistance and support to test and strengthen their proposals. We’re now working with 15 winning cities to implement their exciting ideas and to help spread their successes to other cities worldwide. More than 250 cities are already replicating effective ideas from earlier editions of the Mayors Challenge.

As the pandemic dragged on, arts organizations recognized they could not afford to wait for audiences to return. Survival meant strengthening and expanding their digital strategies to engage audiences beyond their physical walls and in-person programs. Those strategies, however, require new investments and expertise in technology and design, at a time when many organizations have seen their revenue streams dry up. To respond to their needs, we launched an effort with more than 40 cultural partners in the United States and the United Kingdom to help them create new digital initiatives and use technology effectively. These investments will long outlast the pandemic and help them emerge from it stronger than ever.


Hear from Mike Bloomberg and Patti Harris on how Bloomberg Philanthropies will continue to tackle challenges and advance opportunities

As Mike describes in his letter, the pandemic revealed a deep crisis in U.S. public schools that fell heaviest on lower-income Black and Hispanic communities, which led us to make our largest-ever investment in K-12 education: a $750 million initiative to create 150,000 new seats in charter schools across the country. We also expanded our career and technical education work, which first launched in 2016 with a series of promising, early-stage programs around the United States. These programs aimed to address the need for more job training opportunities for high school students and the shortfall of qualified candidates for jobs in high-demand fields like health care and IT. In 2021, we expanded the initiative to nine more cities and two more states.

Our education partnerships also helped us directly combat the pandemic. We worked with America’s four historically Black medical schools to create or expand their mobile vaccination programs and provide more equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines. Together with trusted community organizations, like churches and senior centers, the programs have administered tens of thousands of vaccine doses in communities with lower-than-average vaccination rates.

Our deepening relationships with Historically Black Colleges and Universities led us to launch a new scholarship program aimed at tackling the lack of diversity in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields, called the Vivien Thomas Scholars Initiative. The program is funding 100 students from HBCUs to receive doctorate degrees in STEM at Johns Hopkins University every year. It grew out of our Greenwood Initiative, which aims to accelerate wealth accumulation among Black households and address systemic underinvestment in Black communities.

One of the most disturbing trends to emerge from the pandemic was the worsening of the opioid epidemic. Last year, overdose deaths in the United States skyrocketed past 104,000, more than double the number from 2015, with the vast majority linked to opioids. As we continued working with Pennsylvania and Michigan, among the hardest-hit states, to increase access to medication and harm-reduction services, we expanded our program to five more states: Kentucky, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Wisconsin. By collecting and studying data, we are discovering the most effective strategies and working to spread them across all seven states, and beyond. As we often say, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” Data remains at the heart of so much of our work, and we follow it wherever it leads.

The partnerships we’ve built drive the work we do every day, on every challenge.

Our progress in every area is made possible by our colleagues at Bloomberg L.P., with the vast majority of the company’s profits going to Bloomberg Philanthropies. Their partnership and support, and our collaboration with so many other organizations globally, is essential. That includes the strong partners we have in our Women’s Economic Development program, like Sustainable Growers, CARE, and Nest, which are all working to expand opportunities and earning power for women.

The partnerships we’ve built drive the work we do every day, on every challenge. I’m grateful for our inspiring partners – and also for our amazing team here at Bloomberg Philanthropies, who do so much to make progress toward our mission of ensuring better, longer lives for the greatest number of people. Together, they are why, despite the new and ongoing challenges we face, I’m so excited for all the work ahead.


Patti Harris signature

Patricia E. Harris
Chief Executive Officer
Bloomberg Philanthropies

Connect with Patti Harris on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
