Annual Report / Around the World
Annual Report 2022-2023
Around the World
Bloomberg Philanthropies’ programs span 700 cities and 150 countries, where we work to save and improve lives. Read on below for examples of our global reach and the impact we are making at the local level.

• The Arts
• Education
• Environment
• Public Health
• Government Innovation
• Bloomberg Associates
• Founder’s Projects

Student Debt Relief in Atlanta
Morehouse School of Medicine is one of four historically Black medical schools that we supported with scholarships to reduce student debt and increase the number of Black doctors. Nearly 450 students in the program have now graduated, including over 100 from Morehouse.

Road Safety in Colombia
With our partners, we supported the passage of a landmark national road safety law that will help reduce urban speed limits and strengthen vehicle safety standards.

Mexico City
Tobacco Control in Mexico City
After 10 years of advocacy from our partners, Mexico became the latest country to ban smoking in indoor public places, bringing the total number of countries with smoke-free laws to 139.

New York City
Summer Learning in New York City
Our summer learning program in New York City, called Summer Boost, reached more than 16,000 K-8 charter school students across the five boroughs.

SĂŁo Paulo
City Innovation in SĂŁo Paulo
The success of São Paulo’s winning idea in the 2016 Mayors Challenge, which connected farmers with local markets to grow their earnings and improve sustainability, has spurred 77 cities to replicate the program.
Europe, Middle East, and Africa

Collaboration with Leaders in Kigali
At the 2022 Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting, we collaborated with the Rwandan government to highlight women’s economic development, which we have long supported.

Pro Bono Consulting in Milan
Our experts at Bloomberg Associates have worked with Milan to modernize its economic development strategy, create green public spaces and plazas, and make it easier for people to move to the city.Â

Health Data Collection in Tanzania
We worked with Tanzania to improve birth and death data collection, training community health workers to gather data on rural deaths and advocating for waived fees for birth and death registrations.
Asia Pacific

Air Quality Monitoring in Mumbai
In addition to supporting India’s national clean air plan, we also supported a project in Mumbai that tested 40 low-cost sensors alongside proven monitors to measure their effectiveness for scaling nationwide.

Tokyo and Kuala Lumpur
Climate Action in Tokyo and Kuala Lumpur
Tokyo and Kuala Lumpur developed an innovative partnership to share strategies for decarbonizing buildings, winning a 2022 C40 Cities Bloomberg Philanthropies Award as one of the five best city climate projects.