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The Earthshot Prize and Bloomberg Philanthropies to Host Third Earthshot Prize Innovation Summit on September 24 in New York City to Accelerate Transformative Environmental Solutions

Summit will unveil the fifteen 2024 Earthshot Prize Finalists who are trailblazing solutions to repair our planet

Held during Climate Week NYC and the 79th Session of the UN General Assembly, the Summit will convene Earthshot innovators with policymakers, investors, and philanthropists and spotlight the success of the 2023 Earthshot Prize Finalists who are scaling faster than any previous cohort

London and New York, NY – The Earthshot Prize and Bloomberg Philanthropies today announced they will co-host the third Earthshot Prize Innovation Summit on September 24, 2024, in New York City. At the Summit, The Earthshot Prize’s 2024 cohort of Finalists will be unveiled for the first time, and attendees will also have an opportunity to learn about the solutions pioneered by last year’s Finalists, the progress they have made one year into their Fellowship Programme, and the work The Earthshot Prize is doing to accelerate climate and environmental solutions.

Bringing together Earthshot Prize Finalists and Winners with global business leaders, philanthropists, and governments working to mobilise climate solutions, September’s Summit begins the countdown to The Earthshot Prize’s fourth annual awards ceremony in Cape Town, South Africa. At the November ceremony, five of the 15 Prize Finalists will be awarded £1 million to scale their groundbreaking solutions.

Michael R. Bloomberg, Global Advisor to the Winners of The Earthshot Prize, will address this year’s Summit. Other featured speakers will include policymakers, business leaders, climate innovators, and previous Earthshot Prize Winners and Finalists. The full lineup of speakers will be announced in due course.

“This year’s Earthshot Prize Finalists embody the spirit of creativity and possibility we need to confront climate change and build a bright future, and this summit is a chance to shine a spotlight on the inspiring projects they’re leading,” said Michael R. Bloomberg, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy on Climate Ambition and Solutions, Founder of Bloomberg LP and Bloomberg Philanthropies, and 108th Mayor of New York City. “We’re looking forward to working with Prince William and the Earthshot team to support the Finalists so that their ideas can scale up, spread, and have the greatest impact possible.”

This year’s Summit comes on the heels of the first-ever Earthshot Prize Innovation Camp, co-hosted by Bloomberg Philanthropies and The Earthshot Prize. Held during London Climate Action Week in June, the Camp connected 50 inspiring climate innovators, representing six continents and 20 countries, with experts, investors, and business leaders to accelerate their transformative solutions and place them on a fast track to scale. The Camp was part of a week-long programme hosted by Bloomberg Philanthropies for Earthshot climate innovators including a series of workshops, bespoke training, site visits to leading environmental organisations, skill-building sessions, and networking moments with investors to challenge, stretch, and build upon their ideas.

“We are incredibly proud of the progress our Finalists have made and the support and resources we have been able to provide them,” said Hannah Jones, CEO of The Earthshot Prize. “Our mission to accelerate transformative environmental solutions is more critical than ever, and the impact of our Fellowship Programme and partnerships is evident in the rapid scaling of these innovative solutions. With the generous support of Mike Bloomberg and Bloomberg Philanthropies, we are excited to continue this momentum, foster new collaborations, and drive meaningful change for our planet.”

Media must be credentialed to attend The Earthshot Prize Innovation Summit. The credential application portal is not yet open. Please contact with any questions.

Founded by Prince William and The Royal Foundation in 2020, The Earthshot Prize is a global environmental prize to discover, accelerate, and scale ground-breaking solutions that can help put the world firmly on a trajectory toward a stable climate where communities, oceans, and biodiversity thrive in harmony by 2030. Four years into its journey to repair and regenerate the planet, The Earthshot Prize is the world’s most prestigious environmental prize dedicated to discovering, spotlighting, and awarding innovative solutions the world needs to achieve critical environmental goals within this “Earthshot Decade.” To date, Earthshot has awarded £15 million of prize money and helped catalyze over £70 million of additional funding and support through the Earthshot network of 45 Winners and Finalists. Combined Winners and Finalists have reduced, avoided, or captured 420,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions and protected and restored 170,000 square kilometers of land and ocean – more than the entire state of New York.

As a mayor, entrepreneur, and philanthropist, Michael R. Bloomberg has long been a global leader in the fight against climate change. He has committed more than $1 billion to efforts across the world to mobilise cities and local leaders to reduce emissions, improve air quality, advance the global transition to clean energy, protect and preserve ocean ecosystems, and help unlock billions of dollars in sustainable finance. Bloomberg helps lead a number of efforts including the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy, America Is All In coalition, Climate Finance Leaders Initiative, and the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero.

This collaboration between Bloomberg Philanthropies and The Earthshot Prize continues their long-standing partnership to ignite growth in the environment, finance, and technology sectors and pioneer the next wave of climate solutions. Bloomberg and Bloomberg Philanthropies have supported The Earthshot Prize since its inception, including support for the design of the Prize in 2019. Bloomberg Philanthropies is a Global Alliance Founding Partner and Bloomberg L.P. is a Global Alliance Member. Alongside an international network of influential organisations, Bloomberg provides Earthshot Finalists and Winners with unparalleled support to accelerate and implement their ambitious environmental solutions.


About The Earthshot Prize:
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Founded by Prince William and incubated in The Royal Foundation in 2020 for a year before becoming an independent platform/organisation, The Earthshot Prize is a global environmental prize and platform designed to discover, accelerate and scale ground-breaking solutions to repair and regenerate the planet. Inspired by President John F. Kennedy’s Moonshot, which united millions of people around the goal of reaching the moon, The Earthshot Prize aims to catalyze an Earthshot challenge to urgently encourage and scale innovative solutions that can help put the world firmly on a trajectory towards a stable climate, where communities, oceans and biodiversity thrive in harmony by 2030. The five challenges are: Protect and Restore Nature; Clean Our Air; Revive Our Oceans; Build a Waste-Free World; and Fix Our Climate.

The Prize aims to turn the current pessimism surrounding environmental issues into optimism by championing inspiring leadership and helping to scale incredible cutting-edge solutions. It will discover 50 winners over 10 years with the power to repair the planet. More than an award, The Earthshot Prize works in partnership with a Global Alliance of Partners to support the scaling of the solutions discovered and selected each year.

The Global Alliance Founding Partners are a group of leading global organisations and philanthropists, which act as strategic funding partners to the Prize, including Aga Khan Development Network, Bezos Earth Fund, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Breakthrough Energy Foundation, Coleman Family Ventures, DP World in partnership with Dubai EXPO 2020, Eleven Eleven Foundation, Giving Grousbeck Fazzalari, Holch Povlsen Foundation, Jack Ma Foundation, Law Family Charitable Foundation, Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth, Marc and Lynne Benioff, Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, Rob Walton Foundation, Sandy and Paul Edgerley, Standard Chartered Bank, Temasek Trust and Uber.

Global Alliance Partners are non-profit environment and sustainable development organisations that bring expertise, global reach and serve as nominating organisations each year. For a full list of our Global Alliance Partners, visit:

Global Alliance Members are some of the world’s largest and most influential companies and brands that will support The Earthshot Prize, implement ambitious changes within their businesses and accelerate the advancement of the solutions of Prize Finalists and Winners. They are: Arup, Bloomberg L.P., Deloitte, Herbert Smith Freehills, Hitachi, Ingka Group (IKEA), Microsoft, The Multichoice Group, Natura &Co, Safaricom, Salesforce, Unilever, Vodacom Group and Walmart.

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About Bloomberg Philanthropies:
Bloomberg Philanthropies invests in 700 cities and 150 countries around the world to ensure better, longer lives for the greatest number of people. The organisation focuses on creating lasting change in five key areas: the Arts, Education, Environment, Government Innovation, and Public Health. Bloomberg Philanthropies encompasses all of Michael R. Bloomberg’s giving, including his foundation, corporate, and personal philanthropy as well as Bloomberg Associates, a philanthropic consultancy that advises cities around the world. In 2023, Bloomberg Philanthropies distributed $3 billion. For more information, please visit, sign up for our newsletter, or follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Threads, Facebook, and X.

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