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EducationAdvancing K-12 Education

Advancing K-12 Education

Bloomberg Philanthropies’ efforts to advance education are grounded in the belief that broad coalitions can help put students’ interests first, increasing high school graduation rates, and, ultimately, college enrollment.

Education Reform

The American public education system is in need of comprehensive reform to ensure that all students are able to realize their full potential. Bloomberg Philanthropies is supporting the success and growth of new and existing high-quality charter and autonomous schools, backing strong local education leaders, and helping create city- and state-level conditions to drive and sustain progress. The goal is to help build a stronger and more modern model of public education – one that is based on evidence, centered on children, and governed by accountability and high standards – so that every child has access to a great education.

Advocacy and political activities are not in any part supported by The Bloomberg Family Foundation.

Summer Boost

Summer Boost launched in 2022 to support charter students completing kindergarten through 8th grade to accelerate their academic progress in English Language Arts and math while providing engaging enrichment opportunities, in response to Covid-related learning loss. In summer 2025, Summer Boost is being offered in seven U.S. cities: Baltimore, MD; Birmingham, AL; Memphis, TN; Nashville, TN; New York, NY; San Antonio, TX; and Washington, D.C. All public charter schools in these cities are eligible to apply for the program to receive up to $2,000 per student to support high-quality summer learning programs.

An evaluation of the 2023 Summer Boost program found that the over 35,000 students who attended Summer Boost gained on average an additional four to five weeks of learning in math, relative to their non-Summer Boost peers, recovering approximately 31 percent of Covid-related learning loss. In English Language Arts, students gained on average an additional three to four weeks of learning relative to their non-Summer Boost peers and recovered approximately 22 percent of Covid-related learning loss. Additionally, the program was effective across demographic groups, cities, achievement levels, and grades – and in a variety of contexts and approaches. There were particular bright spots for older students and ELL students.

Additionally, each year Summer Boost pre- and post-assessment data have shown that the percentage of students who met standards in math nearly doubled – and in English Language Arts, it more than doubled. By the end of the summer program, students were better prepared to start the new school year and get back on track for success.

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Global Cities, Inc.

Global Cities, Inc. is a nonprofit dedicated to connecting cities around the world and developing global competence among the next generation through its Global Scholars digital exchange program, which in 2022-23 connected 11,500+ students in 51 cities. Students ages 10 to 13 have the opportunity to communicate directly with their peers across the globe in e-classrooms.

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Photo credit: John Keith, DC Public Education Fund
