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Why Mike Bloomberg is Committed to Supporting Charter Schools

Mike Bloomberg believes that every student deserves the chance to get a high-quality education, no matter where they live or how much their family earns – and our $750 million investment in public charter schools will help make that a reality for students across the country. Hear more about Mike’s goal to improve equity in education, how we’re building on those efforts to build a better future, and the importance of utilizing data.

In this video titled “Why Mike Bloomberg is Committed to Supporting Charter Schools,” Dennis Walcott, the President & CEO of the Queens Public Library and Former Chancellor of the New York City Department of Education said, “From day one, education for Mike was so important as far as his role as Mayor. Mike really focused on how do we reform the system to make sure the system is serving all 1.1 million children and not just some of the children? The foundation was laid early on in the Administration in making sure that charters were part of the discussion.”

Eva Moskowitz, the Founder of Success Academy, said, “He was an innovator in education. He was data-driven, that championing of the public interest was I believe Mike Bloomberg’s biggest legacy in terms of education.”

Geoff Canada, President of the Harlem Children’s Zone, said, “He pushed that there be charter schools. Mike thought you need to have a competitive force that says out there to parents, you decide. And today, thanks to Mike’s work, you’ve got over 100,000 children who have a shot now at a quality education that they would not have had if they had stayed in their traditional public schools.”

Mike Bloomberg said, “No child’s zip code or skin color should dictate the quality of the education they receive. But too many students are being left behind, particularly those from lower income families. And during the pandemic, the situation went from bad to worse, which is a tragedy for those children and for our entire country. Our funding will help create 150,000 new seats for children in K through 12 charter schools.”

Moskowitz added, “This investment is so transformative. It’s going to change the conversation about why K-12 matters, why equity for our poorest children matters, why teaching and learning matters to the country.”

And Bloomberg closed by saying, “The future of our country depends on the quality of our education system. Bloomberg Philanthropies is glad to help more students get the education and opportunities they deserve so they can pursue their dreams and help us build a stronger America.”
